Edwards Can't Take a Pundit?
If John Edwards wants to play President he will need to learn how to handle the mountain of criticism that will come with the job.
Take for example Ann Coulter's remarks about John getting killed by terrorists. That remark really was low-ball and as I would say it doesn't advance the political dialogue in any meaningful way, but did it require a call from Mrs. Edwards to Hardball to ask her to stop?
Does John really think that all of this criticism will stop when he becomes President? As President you are going to be criticized 24/7 for at least 4 years straight. Think of all the bad press and commentary that Bush gets on a daily basis. Have you ever heard Laura Bush call up Hardball, Olbermann or Air America to ask them to be not so hard on her poor husband? Heck no.
John really needs to grow a couple and get on with the process of losing his second run for President.
P.S. Now that I have been hard on John does that mean Elizabeth is going to call me and ask me to stop?